
Saturday, May 24, 2014

10 Ways to Express Your Love Online

10 Ways to Express Your Love Online
Saying 'I love you' out loud can send shivers down your sweetie's spine. For those that are in long distance relationships, the telephone doesn't quite give the same effect. To keep the long distance romance alive, the Internet often comes into play. Even if you're not in a long distance relationship, you can use the Internet to add a new dimension of romance and passion to your relationship. If you're looking for a new way to express your love, these online declarations of love more than meet the challenge.
Build a Website
It may sound like a daunting task, but building a website is easier than ever. For those tech savvy romantics, get a domain name such as, then create a website dedicated to your partner and your relationship. For those that aren't quite as tech savvy, look for a service that provides a free website creator tool. These tools often offer templates where no HTML code knowledge is needed. Generally, you can register the domain name and use the website creator for one low cost. Add some romantic clipart, photos of the two of you, love quotes, anecdotes, and memories of your relationship. Websites are particularly great for wedding proposals or even to chronicle your engagement and plan your wedding!
Create a Love Blog
If you want a quick and easy way to create on online dedication of love, blogging is the way to go. They're free, easy to setup, and easy to maintain. Once you create the initial design, which in itself is quite easy, you need only log in a few times a week and scribe love notes to your sweetie. If you sign him or her up with an RSS reader or even MyYahoo!, they'll automatically receive updates alerting them of your recent love notes. To get started, try, WordPress, Blogger, or TypePad.
Create a LoveSpace with MySpace
If you don't already have a MySpace page for yourself, you've more than likely at least heard of the popular social network. MySpace works by giving users the ability to create their own "space" on the web and connect with other people on the network. Our suggestion for MySpace is to create your own LoveSpace on the network. Sign up for a free account and within minutes you'll have a page dedicated to your sweetie. Keep it focused on romance with weekly love notes, romantic poems, and photos. You can even add a romantic love song that plays when s/he visits the page! Make sure to set it up as private so that you feel free to open your heart and write whatever the mood strikes without worrying about prying eyes.
Post Love Messages on Message Boards
If you and/or your partner frequent message boards or forums, take the opportunity to use it as a romantic tool. If allowed (be sure to check all posting rules first), start a thread declaring your love for your partner. Many community oriented forums allow you to create your own online journal within one long thread. Take advantage of this opportunity to post public declarations of love to your sweetie. Even if you don't frequent a forum, find one on a romance related website, such as our own Romance Forum that allows a journal or thread to be posted in dedication to your partner.
Send an eCard
It may seem impersonal or even like a copout (if sent on an important holiday such as Valentine's Day or her birthday), but if you send ecards "just because", they're a great way to add a little romance to your sweetie's day. Browse the various free ecard sites, such as, for funny, romantic, and sexy ecards. Most importantly though, put a bit of thought into your personalized message. Rather than ending it with 'Love, Your Name', think deep and write from the heart. Surprising your sweetie with a romantic ecard with romantic messages in their inbox will bring a smile to their face.
Send an eLoveCoupon.
eLoveCoupons allow you to create completely customized love coupons to give to your honey. You choose the background and the text for the coupon. Give her a coupon for a body massage by candlelight or give him a coupon for a quickie of his choice. Once you've created your love coupon, print it out or email it to your partner! Try the eLoveCoupon creator now.
Serenade Her on Ksolo
You're probably thinking ksolo what? We happened across recently and were immediately inundated with all of the romantic possibilities. Ksolo works like a karaoke bar without the booze or live music. Basically, it's karaoke online. To get started, fill out the quick -- and free -- signup form. Once logged in, you can choose from literally thousands of songs to serenade your sweetie with. The only rule here is to pick a romantic song -- or perhaps even "your" song? Try it out at
Go Live with YouTube
Put that webcam to use and create a short video declaring your love for your partner. Once you're finished, upload it to YouTube for free and then send a link via email for him/her to check it out!
Post A Classified
Craig's List is a network of city that allow you to post free classified ads for almost anything. Take advantage of these classified listings and post an ad declaring your love for your partner. Put a simple "I Love You", fill an ad with loving thoughts, or use it to ask your partner out on a date (even if you've been married for years!).
Get Back to the Basics with Sexy Mail

Get back to the basics by sending romantic emails or Instant Messages to your partner. Send sexy love quotes via email or emoticons representing what you'd like to be doing to them at that moment (such as for ). Steer clear of other subjects in your messages -- keep them strictly romantic! Most importantly, to keep IM's and email's fresh and romantic, send them when your partner least expects them. For a different take on an old favorite, send sexy emails with This service works like an adult version of Mad Libs, allowing you to send a sexy story via email that stars you and your partner.

if you need a little dating service, ( ) could be the perfect match for your FREE online dating. This site offers live support and dating counselors to provide you with advice and guidance. You'll also find dating ideas, greeting cards, online forums, even daily news that's relevant to BBW relationships and dating. It costs nothing to place a profile on this website, and there are already hundreds of thousands of members who have profiles that you may peruse.

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