
Monday, June 16, 2014

Plus Size Dating :10 Funny Love Quotes for You

Here are some funny love quotes to change your mood and giggle you for a while.
1. “Love at first sight is possible, but it pays to take a second look.”
– Anonymous
2. “Love can never give too much, but those of us who love can give in too much.”
– Alfred Stuart
3. “Love is grand; divorce is a hundred grand.”
– Anonymous
4. “Don’t try to understand a girl completely. If you do, then either you will go mad or you will start loving her.”
– Anonymous
5. “A cat does not want all the world to love her — only those she has chosen to love.”
Helen Thomson
6. “Love is like a Rhino, short-sighted, but always willing to find a way.”
– Anonymous
7. “Love is the only kind of fire which is never covered by insurance.”
– Anonymous
8. “Love may be blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.”
– Anonymous
9. “Love is the most important thing in the world, but shopping is pretty good too.”
– Anonymous
10. “Love is temporary insanity curable by marriage.”
Ambrose Bierce

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How To Make Plus Size Women Fall For You

Ten great tips for winning her heart.

1. Don’t put her on a pedestal.

Plus Size Women are accustomed to being worshipped and idolized by low value men on a constant basis. They get out of parking fines, they get doors opened for them and they get treated better by just about everyone.

If you’re a Plus Size Woman in a world full of horny men then you have access to a whole range of opportunities that the rest of us could only dream of but obviously these women aren’t going to have sex with every single man who gives them a free drink at the bar now are they?

Unfortunately for some that just isn’t the world we live in… Plus Size Women get that kind of special treatment so often they can only take it for granted and who can blame them?

Many men see Plus Size Women like divine creatures from another galaxy, unattianable eye candy to be looked upon but never touched.

The reality is they are just people like you and I and won’t take a guy who puts them on a pedestal seriously.

If you want to attract a Plus Size Woman you need to treat them like a normal person because the reality is they ARE normal people.

They have two arms, two legs, thoughts, feelings, emotions… They get lonely like normal people, they get horny like normal people and what these women want more than anything from a potential mate is to believe that they have found a partner, a soul mate and an equal.

If you are treating them like you are unworthy then they can never have that with you and will look for a guy who they believe to be equal to themselves or better.

2. Be unique and special.

Most Plus Size Women have dated a variety of men over the years and tend to categorize them into one group with whom they have one process of dealing with. You may have heard women doing this when they say things like ‘I hate men, all men are bastards’ or when they mention having rules like ‘I never sleep with a man until after the third date’.

If you want to seduce a Plus Size Woman and make her fall for you, you need to show her that you are special and different to all the men she has encountered in the past. Since you haven’t met every guy she has dated in the past the best way to ensure you are unlike them is to actually listen to her when she describes other guys she has dated and where things went wrong with them.

For example. too needy, too insecure, played with transformers, dressed up in women’s clothing… You get the idea.

Women often subconsciously tell men these things in the hopes that they will not repeat the same behaviours because if you do then she will get bored with you, lose interest and think you’re just like every other guy. Try to learn from her where other men have gone wrong in the past and don’t make the same mistakes.

One way to appear unique and special in her eyes is to actually look beyond her beauty and find things that you find unique and special about her that other men haven’t noticed in the past.

If she agrees or likes your observation of her character then she will begin to feel a unique bond with you and feel like you are the only one who really gets her.

For example.

‘You seem to be a really caring person, it seems like your friends really don’t appreciate all the effort you put in’


‘I think you put up this tough cold exterior as a way of protecting yourself but deep down I think you’re actually a really sweet caring girl who’s just been hurt too much by the world’

Make up your own observations, the more personal and relevant the better!

3. Be assertive and masculine.

In the modern age we are taught by society and the media that it is okay and healthy to talk about your feelings and emotions as men.

There is a degree of truth to this however for the subject of attraction and seduction it is counterproductive to you getting the girl that you want to be overly emotional and sensitive.

Women often say they want guys who are sensitive and talk about their feelings but the reality is these guys rarely ever get the girls and most of the time it is the strong masculine types which attract the best quality of women.

Women want men who are not afraid to take control and lead, they want to feel like their man can provide for them and protect them in any situation.

They want a man who makes them feel like a woman. Not some whiney pushover who talks more about his feelings and emotions more than they do.

4. Be a good listener.

The closest path to a woman’s heart is through your ear.

One consistent thing women always complain about with the men they date is, they feel like men don’t listen to them. Many men will be so transfixed by a woman’s beauty that they will fail to see the person behind the facade that wants to be liked for her and not the way she looks.

It isn’t enough to simply nod your head and wait till she finishes what she is saying so you can start talking about yourself again, women are much more intuitive than men and will notice straight away if a man isn’t really listening to them. When they feel like you are not listening they will think that you are ‘only after one thing’ and not interested in them as a person.

No woman wants to be used by a man.

The easiest way to show a woman that you are listening is to talk about the subjects that they are interested in. This will make them feel interesting and appreciated and is likely to result in them feeling attraction towards you.

5. Win over her friends and family.

A woman places a lot of trust in her friends and her family.

When something goes wrong with a guy they are the ones who hand out the tissues and talk her through it. These people are her support network and their opinion matters greatly to her so don’t make the mistake of ignoring or taking them for granted and the same applies for pets.

If Poochie or Mittens doesn’t like you and you don’t like them, then it is going to be a significant strike against you in her book but animals are easy all you need to do is bring around a doggie/cattie treat and you have made a friend for life.

People can be slightly more complicated.

Gifts are always good, whether it be buying her friends a round of drinks, giving her little brother a new toy or bringing around a nice bottle of wine to her parents for dinner. Never underestimate the power of bribes.

When meeting a girls friends or family it is imperative that you win them over to your side and make a really good effort to befriend them because if anything goes wrong with your girl then these are the people you want on your side, telling her how great a guy you are and how she should give you another chance.

Befriending her friends and family will also show her that you care enough to befriend these people who are important in her life. It will show her that you are in it for the long haul and not just looking for a quick fix and are congruent with her lifestyle.

This is important in the early stages of an intimate relationship.

6. Don’t be afraid of sexuality

The one thing that you can do when trying to make a girl fall for you which is worse than only wanting sex… Is not wanting sex at all.

Women don’t want to be used by men for sex but they still want to feel attractive and wanted by men.

Don’t make the mistake of only trying to be her friend and think that you are ‘respecting her’ by not trying to get sexual with her,this will likely land you in the friends zone or she will get frustrated and go find a guy who does want to have sex with her.

The more open you are about your sexuality and your sexual desires the more comfortable she will feel with her own sexuality. If it is something kept taboo and in the dark then she will likely be very nervous and self conscious when going into a potentially sexual environment.

Not avoiding the topic of sex when it arises in conversation will show her that you are a confident lover and she is more likely to draw the conclusion that you will be good in bed. This will make her enjoy the sex more when it comes and she will be more willing to ‘give it up’ if you seem like you know what you’re doing.

7. Don’t get jealous

Jealousy is only ever an attractive emotion in the most insecure and unhealthy of relationships where one partner feels that validation is required from the other in order for them to protect their self-esteem.

Jealousy in essence arises from a distrust of your partner and considering trust is the foundation of ANY healthy relationship it is a very negative and unattractive emotion to bring into a relationship and ironically, one of the biggest motivators for cheating.

By giving your girl the freedom and trust to interact with other men and women without having to worry about you freaking out with jealousy, she will be more likely to reciprocate the same feelings of trust back towards you and will value that foundation of trust as something special between the two of you which should never be broken.

8. Be protective of her

Women like to feel safe around the men they date.

Being the slighter of the species they want to know that if they were to feel threatened or intimidated then you could protect them. This doesn’t mean beating every guy who looks at her to a pulp but rather if you are out somewhere with her and she seems uncomfortable around certain people then you could suggest a move or intervene to protect her.

It also means that if she has a friend/an ex boyfriend/ Boss/ Co-worker etc. bothering her, then you should offer to talk to them for her. She will probably say no but the point is you still offered, she will appreciate the gesture and feel confident that you are someone she can rely on who will be there for her and is just as if not more capable of handling threatening situations.

9. Make her feel like she can be herself around you.

When women are considering being with a guy it is important for them to feel like they can be themselves around you. Nobody likes to be judged and if someone feels like they are being judged then they are less likely to feel a bond with you and will feel like “you don’t get them”.

Letting a girl know that you like and accept her for who she is will make her feel more comfortable and attached to you because It is exhausting and unsustainable pretending to be someone you’re not to please another person.

If she knows that you are someone who appreciates her for her most natural self then she is more likely to view you as someone she can have a future with.

10. Don’t pressure her

If you want the girl you are crazy about to commit to you the worst thing you can do is pressure her if she is unsure.

Women are biologically hard wired to eventually try and get commitment out of a man they have chosen as their mate, you don’t need to degrade yourself by trying to get her to commit, if she doesn’t want to do it naturally then she wont want to do it with you pressuring her.

There is nothing wrong with suggesting/offering a commitment to a girl you are seeing but if she is uncomfortable with the idea initially then she might just need more time to make sure that you are the right guy for her. So take a step back and let her come to you.

If you try to force a decision from her by ‘threatening to leave’ she might panic and agree but she will not feel as if it was her choice and she is more likely to stray or regret her decision later. The best thing you can do if she is uncertain is to continue to be yourself and act as if nothing has happened and continue to practice the 9 other points listed and wait until she suggests a commitment.

Ultimately a Player should be careful with pursuing the love of a beautiful woman, because once you have attracted and seduced a woman under the guise of love, you have essentially committed yourself to a continued relationship and this becomes a responsibility. If you prefer polygamy and your intention was to see other girls from the beginning then you should let this be known to avoid being labelled a cheater and scoundrel once she discovers that you have been unfaithful. Tell the truth from the beginning, be honest with yourself and with her, it is easier in the long-run.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Online Dating–Intimidating for Plus Size Women?

Online Dating–Intimidating for Plus Size Women?

Recently, a coworker confessed that she had all but lost hope that there were some good men out there. A bitter divorce years ago, a cross-country relocation, and a substantial weight gain from emotional eating had eroded her confidence. Linnea, a gorgeous blond woman with a heart of gold, emerald eyes, and a gentle and compassionate way about her, was so sure that no man would look at her because of her size, she had developed an palpable air of resignation. Like a bubble, she carried this around with her, unaware of all the possibilities she was allowing to pass her by.
Sitting over coffee one morning, Linnea, a health professional, mentioned that she had felt, for the first time in years, a glint of hope while talking to a patient’s son. His friendly, non- threatening and open manner, devotion to his father, coupled with down-home good looks, caught her attention. She acknowledged that although he was likely attached, and unavailable to her, meeting him had opened her eyes to the possibility that there were other good men out there.
When I asked her, smiling, if she was thinking about letting me help her make a dating profile, she flinched, and told me she wasn’t quite ready yet. She told me that no man would want her because of her size. While Linnea may be correct in her assumption that men prefer smaller women, she is quite incorrect that there is no man who would be attracted to her as she is.
Here’s the first secret: It only takes one. One special bit of chemistry, one man who appreciates or prefers larger women, or a man who is intrigued by a reading a woman’s candid and dynamic profile and chooses to take a chance outside of his comfort zone. Just one.
The next secret is that it takes practice to get outside of your comfort zone.
Try this: Instead of meeting your girlfriends for wine tastings, shopping, museums, or movies, try contacting a few men with the intention of practicing the art of flirting, of building your confidence, making a new friend. Realistically, while most people aren’t perusing dating sites for friendship, you can choose to get your feet wet by starting slow (or at any pace of your choosing). If this is too hard, consider taking extra time with your appearance, wear your favorite shoes, get your claws done, and take yourself on a solo date of your choice. Practice being out, and carry yourself with confidence.  Tell yourself that the negative voices that are renting space in your head are no longer welcome. Boot ‘em out!
The third secret? What you will discover, after stretching yourself, is that success builds confidence, and confidence attracts others.

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if you need a little dating service, ( ) could be the perfect match for your FREE online dating. This site offers live support and dating counselors to provide you with advice and guidance. You'll also find dating ideas, greeting cards, online forums, even daily news that's relevant to BBW relationships and dating. It costs nothing to place a profile on this website, and there are already hundreds of thousands of members who have profiles that you may peruse.

Plus Size Dating – Do Plus Size Men Want To Date Plus Size Women?

When it comes to plus size dating, being a plus size woman one question that always seems to be in the back of the mind is – do men like big, curvy girls? For the sake of this article we aren’t just referring to men in general but we’re going to focus on the plus size men.
After going through a survey where several men participated it was evident that now a days men just want a real woman. What does that mean? Real women come in all shapes and sizes and whenever I hear this term I kind of get turned off.
Real women as opposed to the plastic blow-up versions?
In this plus size dating survey when these men were asked to explain their definition of what a real woman meant to them the general answer was a woman with curves, someone that had some meat on their bones.
Obviously their answers differed when they expanded on that answer and there’s no right or wrong here.
The conclusion that was drawn up from these men’s answers was that a curvaceous plus size woman appealed to them more than a stick thin ‘Hollywood’ wanna be.
Another theme that appeared among the results of this plus size dating survey was that these men find curvaceous, voluptuous women with a positive attitude attractive.
They want a woman, regardless of how plus size she is, to be comfortable in her own skin and feel beautiful the way she is.
The men went on to say that it’s the women like this that are most intriguing to them because these women ‘radiate’ sexiness and attractiveness to them.
So with all that being said you may think it’s only natural that a plus size man would be drawn to and want to date a bigger woman. That’s not always the case.
A few of the men that participated in the plus size dating survey said that regardless of the fact they are large themselves they don’t find a larger woman attractive because to them a plus size woman isn’t healthy and doesn’t take care of herself.
I actually think this attitude is a bit obnoxious and there is no time to convince this category of men otherwise. Move on Sistah!
It was hard to understand their reasoning behind that statement considering they are plus size themself.
But it just goes to show that not all plus size men are interested or attracted to plus size women! And not all plus size men are the choice candidate for the sexy Curvy Goddess.
So when it comes to plus size dating, even though there were a few men that said they preferred to not date plus size women the results of this plus size dating survey showed that most plus size men do prefer a bigger woman.

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Plus Size Dating:When you are old – Yeats

When you are old – Yeats

When you are old and gray and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look,
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled.
And paced upon the mountains overhead,
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

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if you need a little dating service, ( ) could be the perfect match for your FREE online dating. This site offers live support and dating counselors to provide you with advice and guidance. You'll also find dating ideas, greeting cards, online forums, even daily news that's relevant to BBW relationships and dating. It costs nothing to place a profile on this website, and there are already hundreds of thousands of members who have profiles that you may peruse.

Plus Size Dating :Share a touching poem《But you didn't》.

But you didn't. 

Remember the day I borrowed your brand 
new car and dented it? 
I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't. 

And remember the time I dragged you to the beach, 
and you said it would rain, and it did? 
I thought you'd say, "I told you so." But you didn't. 

Do you remember the time I flirted with all
the guys to make you jealous, and you were?
I thought you'd leave, but you didn't.

Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie
all over your car rug?
I thought you'd hit me, but you didn't.

And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance
was formal and you showed up in jeans?
I thought you'd drop me, but you didn't.

Yes, there were lots of things you didn't do.
But you put up with me, and loved me, and protected me.

There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you
when you returned from Vietnam.

But you didn't.

About the origin of the poem: a typical American family, the mother and daughter together, my daughter's father, where his daughter was drafted into the army at the age of 4 to Vietnam, unfortunately died. Mother didn't remarry has lived to be 80 years old. Mother died, her daughter in the mother's things, found a mother had written poem, the title is called "but you didn't.“

If you enjoyed this article, please share it on google+. Thanks a lot! =)

if you need a little dating service, ( ) could be the perfect match for your FREE online dating. This site offers live support and dating counselors to provide you with advice and guidance. You'll also find dating ideas, greeting cards, online forums, even daily news that's relevant to BBW relationships and dating. It costs nothing to place a profile on this website, and there are already hundreds of thousands of members who have profiles that you may peruse.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Plus Size Dating Tips: 3 Remarkable Ways Touch Can Help You Get Your Way

Build Trust
Your coworker is spazzing about your joint presentation; you need her to just chill out. Tap her on the back of her hand and clearly say, "We've got this," advises Robert Phipps, author of Body Language: It's What You Don't Say That Matters. "Just remember that the touch should last no longer than two seconds. Anything longer can come off as creepy."
Show Leadership
If you're a manager, give your employee a light one-second touch on the shoulder when issuing instructions, says David Givens, author of Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship. "It's a subtle show of dominance that makes it clear you're in charge."
Hint at Interest
Most men require subtle "green light" signals from women at the very beginning of romantic relationships, says Givens. When you're, say, laughing at one of his jokes, nudge him on the shoulder or squeeze his arm. "You'll help reinforce the emotional bond you're creating," says Phipps.

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